Monday, August 31, 2020

How To Make Facebook Log In Availability In Flutter In Just 15 Minutes

 First thing first you have to follow following steps 

Step:1: First you have to make a simple app making a single button like fig: 1

Fig 1

And the code for this is :

Step 2:  

you have to go to and search for facebook login, as shown in fig 2

fig 2

Then go to first link named flutter_login_facebook and go to installing :

Then copy this code and add it in the dependancies section of pubspec.yaml file of your project: 

then click on get packages or you can simply go to terminal and write the cmd as flutter pub get

then import the package in your \.dart  file in my case I wrote the code in main.dart

Before that make sure your project is connected with firebase

After that follow this link to complete furthur steps:

In this link you will see the option of adding app click on it 
after clicking on the button you will see this kind of screen:

After that write the name of your project as per on your choice and provide your email.

Step 3:

Go to Dashboard section there you will see Setting >Basic in the Basic section you will see App ID and App Secret as shown here:

This App ID and App Secret will be used for authentication in firebase as shown here:

Copy  these App ID and App Secret and put these in the recommended text boxes of firebase sign in method section of Facebook login.

note: Do not use this one because it will not work for you!

Then Scroll down and you will get one like this

Click on SetUp button on Facebook Login section.
After that go to settings as shown here:

And provide the URI from Firebase Facebook login

Copy this OAuth redirect URI and paste it here:

After pasting the link click on Save Changes.

note: Do not use this one because it will not work for you!

Now Click on Quick Start and select Android one if you want to make it for android.

After clicking on Android icon You will be redirected to a new page so there skip step 1 and step 2
and do as it is as I am doing for step 3

 Provide your flutter project package name . you will find it from the directory:
Android > app > src > main > AndroidManifest.xml

In my case it is com.example.facebook_login.
 For default activity name You just have to put '.MainActivity' in the last of your package name as shown here:

After that press on continue button.

Step 4:

If you are using windows then copy windows code if you are using mac then copy mac OS code 

paste this code in cmd or terminal and press enter then you will get a key code then paste that code in  key hashes
Then press save and continue.

Step 5:

turn single sign on option to yes then press save and next.

Step 6:

Goto Android > app > src > main > res > values
there you have to create strings.xml file as shown here, if you have already one so dont create it

    and paste the following code

    After that paste the code in AndroidManifest.xml file

After that paste the code of 5. into AndroidManifest.xml inside application element.

After that skip the remaining steps as they are coding for making login button.
Now come to main.dart and make a method to login with facebook

bool isLoggedIn = false;
void onLoginStatusChanged(bool isLoggedIn) {
      setState(() {
        this.isLoggedIn = isLoggedIn;
Future<voidsignUpWithFacebook() async {
      var facebookLogin = FacebookLogin();
      var facebookLoginResult = await facebookLogin.logIn();
      switch (facebookLoginResult.status) {
        case FacebookLoginStatus.Error:
        case FacebookLoginStatus.Cancel:
        case FacebookLoginStatus.Success:


Comment , if you have any doubt
